A pair of orioles alighted on the frisking branch of a weeping willow.
《简明英汉词典》The weeping willow is taller than the poplar.
期刊摘选Lakes region weeping willow Yiyi, Bibo sparkling, the wind Dangyang, a very elegant.
湖区垂柳依依, 碧波粼粼, 随风荡漾, 幽雅之极.
期刊摘选Closer than the leaves on a weeping willow baby.
期刊摘选Have you heard the story of Luzhishen pulling out a weeping willow from the ground?
鲁智深倒拔垂杨柳,这个故事你听过 吗 ?
互联网The weeping - willow , the weeping - birch , and other trees of early and pendulous shoots, flourish favoured recesses.
这些幽静去处得天独厚,垂柳, 赤杨及其他抽枝发芽较早的树木长得非常茂盛.
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